Blessing St Firmins church, Epiphany 2022

Just before Remembrance Sunday, St. Laud’s had a visit from The War Graves Commission. A member from their team had been alerted that two stones were leaning. However, on inspection it wasn’t these stones that were leaning but the ones around them! So the plots were tidied up , the headstones checked for stability and it was on to the next churchyard.


We're a group of large and small villages in Milton Keynes, North Bucks- Sherington, Chicheley, Astwood, Hardmead and North Crawley

The parish is goverened by Scan PCC, a charity, whose members are elected by the 3 churches at the heart of their communities, and is part of the Newport Deanery in the Anglican Diocese of Oxford.

Revd. Coralie Mansfield, our Priest in Charge, would love to hear from you!

Further information about us and what we do, including details of services and how to contact us can be found on this website. Its also worth following us on Facebook

St Laud's Sherington

St Laud's Sherington

St Lawrence Chicheley

St Lawrence Chicheley

St Firmins, North Crawley

St Firmins, North Crawley

St Mary's, Hardmead

St Mary's, Hardmead

Join us for our Breakfast Morning on Saturday 6th December 8.30-10.30 

Our next SCAN coffee is Saturday 21st December , 10 to 12, St Lauds Sherington

Full English with veggie options.  Donations gratefully accepted!

Next Services

Sunday 15th December St Lauds 9.30 

4pm Carol Evensong St Lawrences

SCAN Sunday and Festival services are listed on the services page; these and others are also there and regularly updated 


Download the Wild Goose Ukraine Liturgy for group or personal devotion here.

Permission is given for reproduction and use free of charge. If intended for commercial purpose, please contact

NOTICE OF APCM Meeting at St Lauds Sherington 11am 21st April 2024 - 

Annual report - click on the link below to view. Click here to see a copy of the minutes. 

Calling all singers - with experience or none!

SCAN choir is lookng for people interested in singing at our church services and encouraging the congregation! Contact us for more information

Follow us on Facebook:


search for Scan Parish channel

SCAN website:

A Church Near You

The Church Near You website, published by the Church of England, also has information and contact details for each of our churches (and all parish churches in England)